Software Development Trends in 2022

10 Software Development Trends in 2022 You Shouldn’t Miss

Today, life without software is unimaginable. Especially, if you are a business owner then knowing the latest software development trends in 2022 is the key to growing faster. 


Particularly, after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the significance of software development in businesses was realized most. Reason? Stringent lockdowns kept people confined to their homes. In such a situation, online services were the only way to overcome daily life challenges.


In fact, for business enterprises, Covid-19 was an eye-opener because earlier they did not consider following software development trends to be essential. This blog post brings to light the emerging trends in software engineering that are going to conquer the software market soon.


10 Noteworthy Software Development Trends in 2022


To understand what’s trending in the software industry in the current year, please give this post a read.  This article brings before you 10 recent major developments in the industry.

These will certainly help your business grow, evolve, and be technologically advanced. Moreover, these trends can be utilized for further enhancements in your existing products. 


1. Use of Automated Code Reviews


Considering the massive amount of codes that are made every day, it has become difficult for humans to review them. Hence, they are seeking automated solutions to identify coding errors and related problems.


With the help of Automated Code Review tools, they are now able to fix errors in the blink of an eye. Moreover, adhering to coding standards has become easier for the developers because these tools maintain those standards while reviewing. 


Most importantly, the software detects bugs and security threats while reviewing source codes. Veracode, Github, Codacy, CodeScene, CodeClimate, DeepSource, etc. are some of the best-known tools for code reviews at present.


In short, Automated Code reviews help in the minimization of coding errors and increase the efficiency of the coding process. 


Benefits at a glance: 

  • Quick identification of source code errors
  • Accelerates the process of code reviews
  • Confirms whether codes adhere to standards and guidelines


Overall, it allows a developer to become more proficient in the field of coding by improving his or her expertise. 


2. Introduction of Kubernetes


Kubernetes is an open-source orchestration platform that is used for managing and scaling containerized applications. Containerization is the process of delivering software, both in-house as well as outsourced. It does so by automating elements in the packaging and deployment process. 


Thus, the rising trend of using Kubernetes is helping companies to create rich software features besides configuring servers. Also, taking into account its effectiveness in impacting business, it is considered the most popular software development trend in 2022. 


As per the Statista survey report, the number of developers utilizing Kubernetes globally since 2018 has nearly doubled. The rise in the figures is attributed to its innovative and modernized features and simple application. 

Statista Survey Report

Benefits at a glance:

  • Complete automation in the software deployment process
  • Leading source for containerized applications management
  • Can be used in other various other programming languages


3. Domination of Cloud Native Technology


Cloud-native technology has remained one of the important focus points for the software development industry. In fact, cloud-native technology is helping businesses streamline their app development process, team coordination, and management. How?


Firstly, these products can be hosted in private and public clouds. You can even choose to host them in hybrid clouds. Secondly, these can run efficiently on multiple servers, thus making remote work easier. 


Benefits at a glance:

  • Promotes work flexibility and efficiency
  • Makes scalability or expansion possible by operating with numerous servers.
  • Ensures obstacle-free remote work by providing appropriate cloud infrastructure


4. Adoption of Blockchain by Industry (Besides Fintech)


Long gone are the days when Blockchain technology was used only in the Cryptocurrency market. Gradually, other sectors are also embracing this pioneering technology to build trust and improve their customer relationships. 


Hence, this too has become one of the current trends in application development in other industries.The simplest definition of Blockchain technology – Is a decentralized digital ledger that facilitates, records, and tracks transactions on computers across the globe.


It is a tightly secured system technology that makes changing or hacking data impossible.


Today, industries like automotive, logistics, healthcare, insurance, retail, agriculture, government, banking, finance, oil, and telecommunications are utilizing blockchain development services to build applications. And, the list is endless!


Benefits at a glance:

  • It ensures transparency and traceability in transactions  
  • Serves as a platform for secure data protection
  • Automation of transactions using “smart contracts”


5. The Emergence of Web 3.0 


Web 3.0 is the advanced and highly developed version of the web (i.e. World Wide Web). The leading features here are networking peer-to-peer, smart contracts, and decentralized applications.  


In simple words, Web 3.0 applications mark sophistication and enhance interactivity among users. By making use of more adaptive and intelligent applications, you can ensure that the best user experience is provided to your customers.


The new era of mobile apps and automation has increased our dependence on software. And, Web 3.0 will be taking a huge leap soon in the software industry to make our lives easier and better. 


6. The Increasing Popularity of Python 


Undoubtedly, Python is taking the lead with its exceptional features and potential to create software and websites using a combination of various programs. 


Moreover, Python is becoming every developer’s favorite because of its easy-to-use quality and is in current trends in application development. It is a versatile, dynamic, and general-purpose programming language that emphasizes readability. It automatically manages memory and has a vast library. 


This programming language promotes productivity with its large, active and supportive community base, and vast IoT opportunities. 

Quote Python

Benefits at a glance:

  • Minimizes company costs by using a programming language with a larger user base
  • Software products made using Python code are easier to understand and design 


7. The Market for Outsourcing is Growing 


Software developers around the world continuously make use of evolving strategies and trending tools. 


In fact, developers play a vital role in providing a great user-friendly experience when anyone uses an app or software. Especially, during the pandemic, everything starting from buying grocery items, attending work, and school, to getting medical treatment was done online. 


By opting for software development outsourcing, businesses were able to serve the people without any hurdles, even under house arrest. Furthermore, software outsourcing is economical which is also one of the reasons for its high demand in the business sector.  


8. The Rise of API First Development


The API-first approach has gained momentum in the last few years as more and more developers are taking this approach to build products.


Presently, processing of real-time data, microservices, and speedy delivery have become fundamental in business operations so as to provide A-grade services to customers.


With API first by your side, you can easily integrate multiple functional and automated features into an app after its coding and implementation. Moreover, it supports easy interaction between these independent features and promotes scalability, flexibility, and control. 


9. Headless CMS


Earlier, Content Management System (CMS) without a frontend seemed implausible. Frontend implies designing digital products and incorporating interactive features for the end-users.


Whereas, the backend takes care of the functionality, management, and data storage of the products.


A headless CMS has no frontend i.e. a content repository is dissociated from the layer of presentation. It delivers content across several channels and the front end of your choice through API interaction. 


To sum up, the primary benefits of using headless CMS are cloud hosting and delivery, limitless support devices, one-to-multiple reach, and continuous upgradation. 


10. The Advent of AutoML in Machine Learning 


As a ground-breaking technology, Machine learning is bringing impactful changes in the business sectors.


However, hiring ML experts from a Machine learning company is an expensive affair, especially for small and medium-scale businesses.


Introducing AutoML tools in the field of Machine learning brought a dramatic breakthrough in the SMB sector. It opens up opportunities for non-technical professionals to create ML models automatically that cater to their business needs. 


Final Words 

In this rapid-evolving phase of digitization, keeping up-to-date with the ongoing trends makes sure you don’t fall behind the success race. Besides these 10 software development trends in 2022, you also need to keep an eye on emerging trends in software engineering that will certainly rule over the coming years.


Feel free to reach out to the best software development company if you have any software development needs for your business. Thank you for reading!

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