Are you wondering! why is web design important for your business? No need to think anymore, We got you covered in whatever follows. When an effective website is at the core of every online marketing activity of a business in this digital era, it becomes imperative to be aware of what goes into making the … Why is Web Design Important?
Are your existing marketing strategies fail to take advantage of emerging technologies such as AI to help you level up in the race of modern marketing? Then the following article is for you. The in-house marketing and Artificial Intelligence experts at Webgen Technologies have decided to trace down the transformation brought about in the marketing … How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Modern Marketing?
Amidst the pandemic situation, there has been exponential growth in the e-commerce industry. From having a surge of online buyers to adapting and improving the trends and user experiences alike, the e-commerce ecosystem has been evolving with each new technology and insight. Besides, the new e-commerce sites have been flooding the market, resulting in an … The Future of eCommerce: Trends and Tips
Irrespective of how you attract people to your online store – content marketing, paid ads, social media, or affiliate programs – every visitor leaving your site without making a purchase is an opportunity missed. This is why it is crucial to optimize your eCommerce platform for conversion rates if you want to have a … Transforming eCommerce: 20 Tips to Double Your Conversion Rates